3 yrs by September

The older 3’s by nature are explorers and adventurers, we so turn to nature to provide a learning environment filled with things to see, smell, hear, touch and sometimes taste. Our adult/child ratio remains low at 1:5, providing the support our learners need to develop at their own pace. We encourage developing social skills by encouraging children to work together and share ideas.
Together we tackle some age-old questions, like “How do polar bears keep warm?” Some questions we just think of ourselves, such as “What happens to a candy cane if you put it in a cup of hot chocolate?”
The children learn about the rain forest, the arctic, the ocean, the marsh and outer-space, all the while honing skills in every developmental area.

Learning and development objectives:
The Dragonflies curriculum is guided by the framework provided through the NJ DOE Preschool Teaching and Learning Standards, which are embedded into both classroom activities and interactions between children and staff. Some end-of-year learning goals include:
- Playing and working cooperatively with peers and teachers
- Following classroom rules
- Helping others and developing caring attitudes
- Strengthening listening skills
- Using social skills to develop positive relationships with others
- Taking turns during activities with peers
- Identifying basic shapes, colors, sizes and positions
- Identifying letters
- Strengthening pre-writing skills
- Developing listening and reading comprehension skills
- Strengthening fine and large motor development skills